Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Subtitles (teks pilem)

To watch DivX/XviD movies with subtitles you first need to install a DirectShow filter for Windows Media Player which is called DirectVobSub. To install DirectVobSub, follow these easy steps:

1) Download DirectVobSub
2) Run the exe-file to start the installation

After you've installed DirectVobSub on your system, Windows Media Player should be able to show subtitles in DivX and XviD movies. However, you will also need to download a separate subtitle file before you get subtitles in a movie. Once you've downloaded a subtitle for a movie you simply place it in the same folder as the DivX or XviD movie you want to watch. Then you have to make sure the filename of the movie and subtitle is the same. Otherwise you will have to rename the subtitle file, so the player understands that they are associated. Also make sure that the subtitle file has the ".sub" or ".srt" file-extension. Finally, you play the movie and hopefully you have subtitles in it. mudah kannnnnnnn???

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